Monday, November 3, 2014

Day 18: Before and After Double Jaw Surgery (X-Rays)

Today was both sad and exciting.  The sad part was that my dear friend Cindi, who came all the way from California to take care of me - left to travel back home.  I would not be where I am after just a few weeks without her.  She took care of my diet, my health and kept me from going totally insane by  keeping me mentally stimulated.  After our farewell at Sydney airport, I headed straight off to see my surgeon for another follow-up appointment.

I was really excited about this appointment as I would be having new x-rays taken and would be able to compare the before (the very beginning before the SARME and braces) and after x-rays.  This meant not only would I see my new shape, I would also see the metal plates and screws in my jaw.

So without further ado, here they are.  The photos on the left were taken in December 2012 before any treatment had commenced (including before jaw widening and braces).  The photos on the right were taken on 3rd November 2014, three weeks after double jaw surgery.

You can see how my profile has changed and how many cuts in the bone there are.
This is where I really notice my aligned jaw and new chin shape. And look at how many metal plates there are!

I'm writing this post at the beginning of December but backdating it by a month to preserve the timeline.  I'll post another update to bring me right up to date shortly.


  1. Wow Andy, I had no idea how extensive the job would be. All the metal plates throughout, gee!!! How are you feeling overall? cheers! (Btw, I set my ortho posts to private in my blog journalsfromoceania, but i'm more than happy to share with you if you like) cheers buddy. wish u a fast recovery and a beautiful smile for 2015.

  2. Hi Andy, just wondering what has happened to your treatment, you seem to have gone off the radar. Hope you are well. cheers!

  3. Nice! Thanku sharing this blog. hopefully you are well. He run the Best Transgender Clinic in Vizag if needed then contact VJ trandsgender clinic.


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