Monday, December 31, 2012

X-rays, photographs and projected outcomes

I thought I would now share with you some of the x-rays, photographs and projected outcomes in the report from my Maxillofacial Surgeon - Dr Peter Tsakiris.  I've had the report and images for a month or two, but it has taken me a little while to find the courage to upload them because the images really highlight the extent of my jaw abnormalities.  However this blog would not achieve it's purpose if I didn't share them, so here you go.  You can click on any of the images to view a larger version.

In the first x-ray (front view) you can see how my jaw has grown down too far covering my lower teeth.  The x-ray also shows that my upper jaw sits at an angle.  The side x-ray shows the extent of my overbite (upper jaw being further forward than the lower) but also the overjet of my upper teeth (the angle at which they are protruding outwards).

Current view of jaw from front
Current view of jaw from side

My last post talked about my SARME surgery which is the very first stage due to take place in a couple of months.  This surgical procedure will see my palette split in half to allow the expander device to widen my upper jaw.  A few teeth will also be removed during this procedure.  The below images show the expected changes in my jaw after this first stage.  As I stated before, this is actually the least invasive of all the surgical procedures.

First stage projections - SARME
The next set of images show the final expected outcome after stages two and three.  Stage two will involve wearing braces for a period of 8-9 months, and stage three will be the main double jaw surgery which will see me in hospital for a week.

As you can see my jaw will not only be wider, but also more square with the upper jaw being lifted up a further 2mm.  This will be quite a dramatic change as the length (and shape) of my face will completely change.  This is achieved by the removal of different parts of the bone in the upper jaw taking it both up and backwards, while the bottom jaw will be split and extended further forward using implants.  I will also have a genioplasty which involves an osteotomy of a piece of the chin bone, which will then be slid forward or backwards depending on the shape of my face.
Final projected outcomes - front view
While it's quite difficult to see - the final images show the expected changes from the side profile.  Again, click on any of the images to see a larger version.

Final projected outcomes - side view

These images are only projected outcomes and the treatment plan will evolve as I move through this journey, depending on movements made by orthodontics and other factors.

Well that's it for this post - if you have any questions please feel free to send me a message or leave a comment.  Next update soon!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

So what is a SARME?

For those of you wondering exactly how the first stage of surgery works (mentioned in my last post), here is a YouTube video showing an example of the SARME (Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion).  My teeth are not crowded like the example in the video, but you still get to see how the jaw is expanded.

Disclaimer: I am not the female in the video...

The journey begins

What is this blog about?  Well, it is an honest account about my face and how I am planning to change it.

I have been unhappy with my smile for a very long time due to having an extremely prominent overbite (13mm), an overjet of my upper teeth, a narrow upper jaw and a gummy smile.  In fact this unhappiness has been with me since I was a very young child and teased for my looks.  I was called everything from 'buck-teeth' to 'goofy' and this has stayed with me throughout my life.  And so I thought rather than wallow in shoulda-woulda-couldas any more, I would do something about it.

If you are reading this blog, chances are you are doing so because we are kindred spirits, you are a family member/friend of mine or you were randomly redirected here while watching videos of cute kittens on YouTube.  Whatever your reason for reading this, I will attempt and explain what some of the issues with my jaw mean:

  • Overbite - the official definition of overbite is 'a malocclusion of the teeth in which the front upper incisor and canine teeth project over the lower'.  That's a mouthful in itself (pardon the pun) but in layman's terms - my upper jaw is set much further forward than my lower and the jaws do not meet correctly.
  • Overjet - not only is my upper jaw set much more forward than my lower, my upper teeth have also grown out at an angle instead of vertically.  Thank you Mother Nature.
  • Narrow jaw - it is simply that, narrow.  When I smile my teeth do not go across the width of my smile as my jaw is too narrow.  Instead you see gaps (aka the Grand Canyon) in each side of my mouth between my jaw and the sides of my mouth.
  • Gummy smile - not only did my upper jaw grow much further forward than my lower, it also grew down too much meaning that I show too much gum-line below my upper lip.
It all adds up for a smile that is pretty out of whack, or 'unharmonised' as my Maxillofacial Surgeon much more eloquently puts it.

So finally after years of wishing I had done something about this, I decided to start the ball rolling on my way to facial harmony.  Now this journey actually started about a year ago, but before I could think about moving towards a better face I needed some major restorative dental work.

You see, I had a pretty bad addiction when I was younger.  I was addicted to Coke.  Now before you start calling me a 'crack whore' (I should be so lucky), I am of course talking about Coca-Cola.  I couldn't get enough of the stuff!  Now as a much more mature person I hardly touch sugary drinks, but the damage was done.  Three fillings, two root canals and multiple cleans later, not to mention three teeth that will need to be extracted (ok so it could have been worse) and I am finally on my way.

So why am I starting this blog now?  Well after a move from the west coast of Australia to the east, I have found a great dentist, orthodontist and Maxillofacial Surgeon.  My treatment plan has been put in place, and I signed my first lot of paperwork today!  This treatment plan will be in three main stages (with the first stage in March 2013) and will consist of:

  1. SARME (Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion) otherwise known as SARPE where the 'P' stands for 'palatal' instead of 'maxillary'.  This is a surgical procedure where I am put under general anaesthetic, an incision is made through my upper palette (yes it's split in half) and my jaw is widened.  I'll write more about this closer the time, but in the grand scheme of things this is the easiest stage of my treatment plan!
  2. Orthodontics - Oh the joy of having braces.  I will have upper and lower braces fitted around 6 months after the SARME surgery which will bring my teeth in and close the gap between my front teeth that the SARME will create, as well as realign some other teeth.
  3. Bi-maxillary surgery - this is by far the most major part of the plan and is double jaw surgery where both jaws are broken, various bits of jaw bone are removed, my lower jaw is extended forward and my upper jaw set back.  This surgery will be undertaken around 9 months after the braces go on.  Again, more about this later.
Still reading?  I'm impressed!  Well hopefully by now you are intrigued, impressed, interested or even infatuated.  Let's be honest though, even if you are totally bored and wanting to gouge your eyes out with safety teaspoons (is there such a thing?) to avoid reading any further, I still appreciate you looking.  Can anyone say attention whore? 

Of course you may have gathered by now that I love to talk, or type, or both - but my first blog post is now coming to an end.  

On a serious note, this will be a life changing journey for me (and my bank balance) and I am writing this blog to educate and entertain.  I hope you will follow me on my journey, and feel free to subscribe using the button within the 'Followers' section on the right hand side of the page.  Or simply comment, share and do whatever else with me that you will.
